I will be so glad when all this comes to a head finally. We already know there are going to be some things cut that shouldn't be cut but what can "We the People" do about it. It is now in the Governments hands. For all those that did not vote this is what it has come to since you did not think your vote would count for anything.
Republicans have taken over and now the President is leaning to their side as well. They know they have the upper hand right now and are not willing to budge on what they want.
President Obama wants to raise taxes for the upper middle and wealthy in America but who are they, mostly Republicans. When President Obama tried to steal the thunder of the Republicans, he did so by offering an even grander deficit reduction package. The question is how much to cut government -- not whether to do so. Our Government is in the hole right now.
After two terms of Republican past President George W. Bush was in office and messed it up, now the Democrat President Barack Obama has the pressure on him to clean it up but does not have the support he truly needs to back him up.
I am tired of hearing about John Boehner's, Speaker of the House and about Republican Eric Ivan Cantor is the U.S. Representative for Virginia's 7th congressional district. They have been in the news for the past few months but yet we still don’t know what everything is they have on the chopping block. We are getting bits and pieces if information here and there. I think it is time for a list of what they have on the table to be published for all to see just so we can know what we are in for when all this is over.
It is very sad that it has come to this but it has. Too many wars have been fought for other countries and for too long. Spending has been out of control and seems like no one is really keeping the books right. They have all these big important people getting paid to do this and yet we are in this situation AGAIN.
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